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Fun Cupcakes
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Happy 2013!
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2009 NASA Classic
The girls enjoyed playing in the NASA Classic this weekend. Margerie scored in the Saturday morning game that they went on to win 8 -2, The afternoon game was very tough as the other team had a “ringer” but the girls fought hard to a 3-1 loss. Sunday Morning seemed to be a draw, but the NASA girls eked out a goal with just a few minutes to go. We had to wait around in the rain to see if they had enough points to go to the final. After a while we found out that the Saturday team with the ringer won their morning game 12 -2 and would advance to the Finals.
Katherine’s squad played hard on Saturday in some brutal heat. The fields were swampy and HOT. One of the parents from the opposing team passed out and was taken away by ambulance. The afternoon game was a little cooler with some cloud cover and the girls really played hard and worked together. Sunday morning we picked up a new “Pop up” tent at Wally World on the way to the game good thing too since the bottom dropped out before halftime. After winning 5 – 0 everyone retired to the local “Chili’s” for lunch to wait on word if the weather would cancel the finals. Just before the food arrived we did learn that the finals were cancelled and that we had enough points to secure the Championship!! There are many more pictures in the photo gallery. Which you can always access by the link on the left…
Pear Tree gone (finally)
After countless calls to tree services to get the old bradford pear removed. Including 3 estimates and telling 3 people “Fine, get rid of it” we got one to show up and remove the tree (and STUMP). We enjoyed the shade, but it had broken out at least once and was banging on the master bath windows with every storm. It also was tearing up the sidewalk and driveway.

With Old Pear Tree
Pear Tree Gone
On the plus side, there is lots more light in the master bath now and I don’t have to worry about the camper roof when I’m backing it in.
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School 2009/2010
Here are a few pics the morning of the first day of school for 2009/2010 !
- At the bus stop

Margerie before the Bus

Katherine first day of 8th grade.
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